Adventure Park Trip
Troop 24 had a great time hanging from the trees at Adventure Park - climbing and zip lining! Such an awesome day outdoors :)

Holiday Lighting Helpers!
Troop 24 had a wonderful time helping out with the horse and buggy ride and selling hot cocoa during the Malverne Village Tree Lighting....

Court of Honor - Oct 2017
Troop 24 conducted a Court of Honor ceremony to award those boys that have achieved a new rank in scouting as well as a number of...

Fundraising @ Fall Festival
Thanks to all that helped out with the Boy Scout Troop 24 fundraising at the Malverne Fall Festival on Sunday. The boys had fun selling...

Learning Vital First Aid Skills!
Special thanks to Malverne Ambulance Corp for coming down to our Troop meeting tonight to teach the scouts vital first aid skills and to...

A Scout is Reverent...
Boy Scout Troop 24 & Cub Scout Pack 24 joined forces today to celebrate Scout Sunday at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish with Rev. John David...