A Scout is Reverent...

Boy Scout Troop 24 & Cub Scout Pack 24 joined forces today to celebrate Scout Sunday at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish with Rev. John David McCarthy and the parish congregation.
Father John carried out the mass and the scouts fully participated in the service - starting with the procession, altar serving, lecturing the scriptures of the Bible, ushering the collection and presenting the gifts.
The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of our scouts in a religious ceremony.
Father John said a beautiful homily where he recognized the scouts and their leaders for their service and leadership in our community and he reinforced the great benefits of the scouting program. After mass, the scouts, Father John, scout leaders and parents had a bagel breakfast in the church hall. Father John shared some stories of his experiences as a young scout, achieving Eagle Scout as well as his experiences serving our Country for 25 years in the United States Navy!
The scouts did an excellent job being reverent at mass today and representing The Boy Scouts of America. We look forward to having Father John work with the scouts and share more of his stories in future Troop and Pack meetings.